Share this ad with a neocon. Maybe he will learn how to think.

Because since I retired from bloging about the inisidious neocon threat, they still have'nt been stopped and because the long gloom darkness of Bushies presidancy is nearly finaly over (if he seeds power like constitution says to do) some one has to take up the Stop The Neocons torch. And. That some one is ME.
Investors dumped shares because they were skeptical that an economic stimulus plan President Bush announced Friday would shore up the economy that has been battered by problems in its housing and credit markets.
Not quiet happy enough after destroying Iraq with a illegal (& immoral) occupation and subjugation of the Iraq people, Bu$h set his evil sights on the third world countrys (India, Germany, Hong Kong) in a dasterdly scheme to take all there money too.
From: "Luke Cramer" <>Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 7:09 AMSubject: oh my goodness.. yourPenis is BELOW average size, add 2-3 inches with this 4tnhkqhs45lp33x> === IncreasePenisSize 3 Inches Longer ===
> Increaase SexDrive and Pleasure
> Achieve Rock HardErections
> = Permanently CuresImpotence =
> = Increase sperm volume and quality =
> = Improve sperm flavor =
The burglars spotted police and scrambled. One jumped into the bedroom closet, inches from Brittney. "He was standing right there. I could have kissed his cheek if I'd stood on my tippy toes," she said.This is truly epic / heroic of this woman to be brave and hide in the closet instead of being a hero(ine). For one thing, she is way hot (check out her pic at the link)(wow). I mean I would totaly have got my mack on (old school) if I was in the closet and she was their thinking about kissing me. This reminds me of a story that happened to me one time.
A Muslim store worker at Marks & Spencer refused to serve a customer buying a children's book on biblical stories because she said it was "unclean".
Sally Friday, a customer at a branch of one of the famous stores, felt publicly humiliated when she tried to pay for First Bible Stories as a gift for her young grandson.
When the grandmother put the book on the counter, the assistant refused to touch it, declared it was unclean and then summoned another member of staff to deal with the purchase.
Mrs Friday was so upset that she has now complained to the store's manager.
blue_rose: :)This is exciting. I feel like the ball is realy rolling.
blue_rose: dean are u software eng
dean04prez: no sorry blue_rose
blue_rose: i need help wit my proj
blue_rose: its drivin me nuts
blue_rose: i cant find the stuooopid error in the code
dean04prez: wish I coudl help
blue_rose: r u an environmentalist
dean04prez: ya
blue_rose: cool
dean04prez: also looking for ways to be more active in the peace movement
blue_rose: a teacher came to my school and taught us to make creativ things out of waste and plasik!!!
dean04prez: ya there is so much better things you can do with plastic instead of throw it away
blue_rose: je said we could collect it
blue_rose: and throw it in a huge cloth bag and use it for sittin:)
blue_rose: or u can also use it in knittin
blue_rose: crochet
dean04prez: on survivorman he proved that you can use plastic to make urine in to clean drinking water
blue_rose: what!!
dean04prez: thats like taking 2 kinds of waste and making something totaly helpfull from them
blue_rose: thts interestin
blue_rose: u guys shud spread these msgs
blue_rose: !!!
azi has joined channel #looking_for_peace
azi has left channel #looking_for_peace : azi
WASHINGTON - About 3,200 Marines are being told to prepare to go to Afghanistan, military officials said Monday, in an effort to boost combat troop levels and get ready for an expected Taliban offensive this spring.ISnt one quagmire enough?
Once complete, the deployment would increase U.S. forces in Afghanistan to as much as 30,000, the highest level since the 2001 invasion after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The military began notifying the Marines and their families over the weekend, as Defense Secretary Robert Gates was expected to sign the formal deployment orders.
All in all I think that stoping the neocons in 2008 is the most important issue are country is facing today and with strong candidates vying to take over the empty-suit presidency occupied curently by the lame-duck Bush, spirits are high and it fells like a new dawn is approaching. Like I said before, I am strongly supporting John Edwards in 2008 because Howard Dean (my namesake (monikersake) is not running. All in all I think Barrack Obama has a great smile, etc and he's black (minority) but not as much as John Edwards who's views (ideations) more closely resemble my own). Mostly I hope for a Edwards presidency because Hillary Clinton has some great ideas / values (health care) but she is to butch and thats not condusive to my mostly poontangcentric lifestyle.
BTW for more information why I am still "Dean04Prez" your questions can be answered in my profile. New pic coming BTW... be patient. I'll probably get a place keeper in place until my new pic is there.
Also this will be a more eclectic blog than before: still mostly political blog (because blogs about political stuff is the most important issue of are day), but I'm expanding my horizons and will blog more about guy things (cars, poontang, boy bands, etc). So stay tuned (check back early/often).
**edited for spelling errors in title line (attention to detail will be a hallmark of the new Stop The Neocons 2008 blog)