Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Prepare for the worst case

According to the news (today), my presidental candidate (John Edwards) is dropping out but not endorsing any one (yet).

I'll miss his smile and fashion sense but its time to move on and pick a new canidate. So starting now I am endorsing Barrick Obama.

Also since John Edwards will probably wont be the next president we, like minded progressives like you and I, need to prepare for the worst. With that in mind, I created the new Impeach Romney Blog and the new Impeach McCain Blog because just in case they are elected, the will probably did somethig wrong too and they need to be held to account, just in case. LAter today I'll have Impeach Romney and Impeach McCain buttons for your blog so if you want to join the Impeach Romney or Impeach McCain coalition you will have a cool button to show your support for democacy.

This is real good forwards thinking on my part to be honest.

1 comment:

Anon. said...

excellent! I;ll have two impeach mccain buttons and three impeach romney buttons,
please send asap!
